Mr. Christian Favre
Members of the committee
Mr. Facundo Agudin
Mr. Yascha Israelievitch
Mr. Jorge Viladoms
Mr. Julien Zufferey
Mrs. Cassie Brecheisen

become a member
By becoming a member, you allow the CIML to pursue its mission in favour of the young artists of tomorrow.
Members of the Association du Concours d’Interprétation Musicale de Lausanne take part in the life of the association and have free access to the Final and to the opening concert of the year for which they pay their membership fee.
The annual membership fee is CHF 50.- per person or CHF 80.- per couple or per legal person.

become a member
If you wish to support us, you can make a donation of the amount of your choice in favor of the Association du Concours d’Interprétation Musicale de Lausanne. If your donation amounts to at least CHF 100.- per individual person or CHF 160.- per couple or legal person, you can also become a member of the Association (contributions as above included).
We thank you for making your payment by e-banking to :
Banque Cantonale Vaudoise
Place Saint François 14, 1003 Lausanne
IBAN : CH03 0076 7000 C501 6825 4
Titulaire : Concours d’Interprétation Musicale de Lausanne
On request (to ciml@ciml.ch), we will be happy to send you a remittance slip for the payment of your cotisation.